Monday, February 17, 2014

New Zealand (26-30 January 2014)

26 January: After a 3 leg (Maui->Honolulu->Auckland->Blenheim) set of flights we arrived in Blenheim with tired kids, but with great accommodation at the home of Ray (an old Uni mate), Nancy, Elena (13 yrs) and Niveah (8 yrs). Ray had taken up a position at the Hospital for a year in Blenheim, so we decided to stop by for a visit and they graciously welcomed us. Blenheim is in the Marlborough wine country, and you could tell as there are a lot vineyards in the valley. Ray and Nancy's abode was a great place on the edge of town with a huge yard (trampoline, pole tennis, swing set, trees, lots of balls), and very spacious guest accommodation. It was an early evening for most though Ray and I had a long catch-up into the next morning.

27 January: Today it rained in the morning, but then cleared up in the afternoon, so we headed over to the large open space to the south of town called Wither Hills Farm Park. We had a great excursion to the top of a hill that served as a lookout over town that had views of some inland peaks, the Marlborough Sound region, Cloudy Bay and the North Island. Here are some pics during that excursion.

We then went to one of the town's parks and the kids had a great time going down the park's flying fox. What a great place a flying fox (aka a zipline) in the park, no way that would fly in the US of A due to liability issues...

28 January: Today was a nice day, so it was off to the beach, namely Marfells Beach about 30 minutes south of town. Kids had a great time beachcombing and making beach shelters. Ray, Robin and I had a go at catching the small waves on the SUP board and beach kayak. All of us also had a great time lounging on the beach with these huge tie-down beach umbrellas that sheltered us from the ever increasing winds. Very nice outing in a beautiful setting. This also marked our furthest excursion to the south of the equator over our 7-month sojourn.

29 January: Today we travelled to Picton to catch a water taxi to Lochmara Bay and its eco-sustainable lodge on Marlborough Sound. Very nice spot with the quintessential kiwi tree ferns all over the place. Had a nice long stroll through the property checking out karkiri (parrot birds), farm animals, hammocks and the many scenic overlooks of the bay. It was pretty hot by NZ standards, so we also availed ourselves of the excellent swimming locale (well Ray, Robsie, Luca and I did anyway) whilst the others had a great time collecting small starfish aplenty, interacting with several wild ducklings, and feeding a large school of herring-type fish. The Sound comprises excellent boating waters, a wonderful place to kayak, and generally a beautiful setting that has whetted our appetite for a return trip to ply its waters.

30 January: Today marks the end of our journey. We loaded up the car and were off to Blenheim Airport to catch our 9:45 flight to Auckland. As Ray pointed out, domestic flights are bliss in the small regional airports as one can roll-in a half hour before the flight, no security and generally the experience of 30 years ago bygone, refreshing. It was great to catch up with Ray (a couple of years since our last catch-up in Perth), and see Nancy, Elena and Niveah (3.5 years since our last catch-up in Humboldt California). Many thanks to them for their generous hospitality and showing us around the local environs! Here's a pic of all of us (sans Elena who had to go to school) just before our departure back to good ole Perth.
Closing Note: Well we completed the trip of a decade (purposefully left out trip of a lifetime). We are keen to have another big trip in about 3 years time before the kids really are to old to leave school for too long! What a great experience with all the folks we met, places we saw, great family time with relatives and amongst our clan! What would have we done differently one might ask? Nary a thing! We did anything and everything we had any desire to do. My advice to you other Griswold's out there, just go for it if you have the opportunity, generally you only get one chance. This is Clarke Griswold signing off for at least 3 years, thanks for following our adventure!

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